Monday, December 16, 2013

Weekend Recap

Here is the past week recapped in a few pictures as always :) Let's be honest, it's always more fun to recap via pictures.
though the monthly pictures are getting a little easier they are still entertaining :)
Mr.A got his fancy helmet wrap (can you tell he was super excited about?!)
Someone(s) passed out at their Uncle's college graduation
Meeting Santa for the first time went swimmingly
We all made a trek to the Neiman's downtown Dallas (mommy's old stomping grounds) to see Santa and we even had some yummy Chicken Chili
It was a busy weekend but as always I wouldn't trade a single second for a thing. We also tried carrots this weekend and well mommy didn't cook them long enough so they were a bit chunky, we had some pretty awesome faces from you two. JuJu came to see us and we got to listen to Kenny and Dolly Christmas on our way to Santa. It just isn't Christmas until you've watched Holiday Inn (on our to do list next wkd), listened to Kenny and Dolly, seen the NM downtown store front, oh my the list could go on forever. I can't believe how quickly Christmas is approaching, part of me isn't ready for it to be here yet. This is my absolute favorite season and well, not that this is new, but it's even more so the case now that you two are around (and that it's your first Christmas), I'm not ready for it to be here quite yet. Can't we have another month of celebrating, preparing, enjoying, and sharing the Christmas spirit?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy 5 Months!!

I can't believe you guys are 5 months, seriously, that means next month you guys will be half a year old...people say time flies but it really flies in a whole other way once you have kids. These past 5 months have been the BEST 5 months ever. You guys are so much fun and keep us so busy that days go by and we don't even know it. There's been lots going on around you guys turning 5 months, so as always instead of me writing about it (since we all know I am not the writer, storyteller, english major extraordinaire) here are just a few pics ;) 

12.7.13 Your very FIRST snow (well ice) and Daddy even had a snow day!
12.5.13 Watching the Sound of Music Live while Mommy gets bathtime ready!

12.6.13 Trying sweet potatoes (and food in general) for the first time

12.6.13 Mr. A waiting patiently
It was a long weekend full of hanging out in our PJs, trying food, the Johnny Jumper, and getting to just be with each other. No other places to go (we literally couldn't leave the house due to inches of ice) just family time!
It truly was one of the best weekends. Daddy having off on Friday and us not leaving the house allowed for me to really get to soak up all of y'alls lovin :) Everyday is usually just so busy trying to get "things" done that it flies by but this weekend time slowed just for a split second and we were able to just be. As I say all the time now, maybe my new mantra, Now I wish time would slow down just a bit.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Our First Thanksgiving :)

So "our first Thanksgiving" really was extended through about a week. JuJu was here for the first half of the week and then we headed to Longview the second half so we just made a big ole Thanksgiving week of it. In order to get things done, it kinda takes that long anyway so it worked out well! :) Here's a little recap in pics.
We had our first "really" cold day and it was rainy - all dressed up in our turkey outfits and jackets - to die for
Setting up the Christmas Tree - Mom's favorite!
Daddy and JuJu cooking our first Turkey - Pre-Thanksgiving (it took about two days to actually make Thanksgiving "dinner")
Our Pre-Thanksgiving with JuJu, Daddy, Uncle Joey and Mom (A proceeded to give us a little surprise during dinner too...right on the table :)!!)
A's latest: Falling asleep with the ark in his face. Scares Mommy but it works!

I being super sweet during Turkey week
Hanging out at Grandmother and Grandad's after a nice little walk :)
So needless to say, we had a busy busy Turkey week! It was my best Turkey week yet, if I had to say so myself. I am a little sad to be packing away the "My First Thanksgiving" PJs, I just can't believe it's already December, that you guys are almost 5 months. Where did the time go? SLOW DOWN!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

soooo...I've been meaning to blog :)

Mainly because so much has been going on, I mean that's the hard part about blogging, right? when there is so much going on you don't actually have time to record it. It is in those times in life that you wish you had recorded life and it's happenings the most - at least that's how I feel about things. Nonetheless, where do I begin?
How about I just pick up where we are at?
Cool? Cool!
Yesterday, I rolled over for the very first time all by herself. It, along with a million other things everyday, made me realize how fleeting time is. Some days I just hold them when they fall asleep just so I can try to pause that little moment I have - and I can't I just don't seem to have enough control to actually pause time - it's never enough - once the moment is gone, it's gone and seems like forever ago. I have a hard time remembering how small they were for instance, so now I work so hard to try to keep in my head JUST how little they are now. They grow into an outfit and I think WOW how did that happen? or WHEN did that happen? Alright, alright I digress..
SO I rolled over. A is getting the cutest little helmet. and I am smitten and beyond in LOVE with these two.
Here is a pic from our photo sesh, my mom being the photographer and us attempting to get a relatively okay picture for our Christmas cards :)

11.16.13. Christmas Card Photos. 4 months old.

My attempt will be to blog has frequently as I can (mainly when I am up in the middle of the night) because let's be honest, twins keep me a little busy during the day. I also want to make sure I am soaking up every minute I can with these two - and that I don't miss a beat of them growing up right before my eyes.

Also, I can't leave without formerly introducing the two most amazing little people I've ever met and adore beyond belief. I am beside myself that God chose your father and I to get to raise, hang out, love and be with you guys everyday!

7.9.13. the day you guys were born.

7.20.13. newborn pics. 1 week and 4 days old.
 Okay, mom is going to go back and crawl into bed to get attempt to get some sleep before someone needs a paci replacement or wants to get up and eat breakfast :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Grateful Wednesday

1. my little note on the end of my tea bag

2. Peace
: a state of tranquillity or quiet :
: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions :
: harmony in personal :
peace may not be so much about not living without turmoil or pain but instead it is the reestablishment of relationships, relationships with God, with friends, with family, spouses and strangers. Finding that peace - or creating peace in your heart can begin and end with those reestablishment of relationships to bring calm to heart.


3. Yoga
as frustrating as it is in the beginning I think I have found a new love. hopefully enforcing my hopes to meditate and to find my peace. and i have found two loverly studios and couldn't be more pleased. my yoga practice has transformed, and though I'm not all "zen" all the time I do I feel that it is helping me find that place.

4. Hope
you know how sometimes you just are overcome with hope like this whole body rush of hope and belief and trust just overcomes you. I felt that this Sunday and I think I have been able to carry it all the way through Wednesday. Here's to hoping it continues...

5. People
they teach us crazy things, you learn from them in the most absurd ways, and you grow because of them. And it happens right before our eyes. Even if it can be painful and a little uncomfortable and just downright frustrating, sometimes all of a sudden you turn a corner. it's like you realize what you have learned from them and why they were put in our lives.

Alright, Happy Wednesday!! :)

images via pinterest: 1/2/3

Friday, October 19, 2012

what a wonderful way... spend a lunch break on a beautiful, fall Friday...

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

finding my way and learning my heart...

so lately i've felt like I want to find my way, find my place in this world 
who am i?
what matters in my heart?
what makes people geniunely happy? how does one stay happy?
what makes me want to jump out of bed? what makes me, me? where is my next step? where will i be in 1 year or 5 years? where do i WANT to be? and more so where will HE place me? What are the fundamentals to me? what are my dreams, goals and aspirations?

i think i want to take the next couple of weeks answering, praying, guessing, and searching my soul. 
No, not answers, because most of these there aren't answers to...just ideas. i think that from this point i have followed the steps, the guidelines, the rules as to what's next and who am i supposed to be. However, i have gotten to that point where there aren't clear guidelines. I'm not jumping to the next rock before I have even landed on the current one. Instead, i am sitting on my *hypothetical rock*, and it's large and vast and i love a lot of it but i feel like i need to make it warm and fuzzy and my own. so here's to finding myself, and defining myself...

so i've read a few articles, blogs, and just stuff that have inspired me, that have made me want to search...
first step, i have defined some new new goals

. be a loving, spiritual and inspirational wife, daughter, cousin, friend and woman .
. be a mother .
. have a successful career where i can focus on serving .
. run another half marathon .
. do another sprint triathlon .
. be more open on my blog, i have received so much from reading various blogs, i too should give back .
. become a yogi, or attempt a yogi world .
. volunteer .
. find peace & restfulness .
. learn to be content wherever i may be in life .

I usually don't post these types but for some reason today i am feeling like taking that leap...setting it in stone i assume.